Chris was a wee bit competitive (okay, we all were) and was not about to allow a ball to get away from him if there was any chance he could keep it in bounds. So he goes for the ball...and we all hear a loud THUD and look to see Chris lying on the ground. I thought the basketball had hit the low roof of our neighbor's house, and the noise scared Chris into diving to the ground. Nope. It was Chris' HEAD that hit the roof. So I say, "Chris, are you okay?" And he says, "Yeah," and keeps lying there without moving. I said, "Okay, why don't you lift your head?" So he does and blood POURS out onto the driveway, which freaks Chris out.
Everyone on our team sprung into action, according to personality. I was nearest to Chris so I ran over and attempted to stop the bleeding by applying pressure to his head. Jodi started pacing the driveway, saying "Okay...okay..." while Daniel was yelling for someone to do something. Robin ran upstairs where Alison found a towel and brought it back down. Then we took him to the ER. A few hours and stitches later, it was decided that Chris would live.
Fast forward to the Head Wound of 2007. I went over to Jonathan's place to help him get ready for his birthday party. My task: the kitchen. And indeed, it was a big task...some might say impossible. But I conquered...any of my roommates can testify to the fact that I have mad kitchen cleaning skills. So about 2 hours later, I was drying the final dishes and putting them back in the cabinets. I was trying to find a place for an odd-shaped jar and decided to open the top kitchen cabinet. When I did, the door hit the not-so-well-screwed-in light fixture which came loose and landed on my head.
Smashing glass. My forehead. What a combo.
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