I just spent approximately 11 hours driving in Oklahoma this past weekend. Just as when I traveled in Texas, Oklahoma had its own distinct brand of traveling tales so you knew exactly where you were.
1. You pay $3.50 to drive on the interstate...not a turnpike, the plain old interstate. (No, we had no cash...we had debit cards. Refer to my "Where's your debit card, lady?" post from earlier in June.)Who has tolls on interstates?
2. You drive and drive for hours according to the Yahoo directions. Then, you think you might have made a wrong turn so you stop at Dairy Queen and ask a shady looking guy in cutoffs what his thoughts are on your situation. After looking you up & down, and finding out your final destination, he says, "Why the hell are you going this way?" Thank you, sir, for your help.
3. You tune in only country...unlike Texas, you don't even have the option of Tejano. It's just country.
4. People are mean. Customer service is non-existent. What's with these Okies?
5. Everyone stares at you for using a cell phone. Seriously, same Dairy Queen as the directions guy...have they never seen one?
6. You ask for the next big town and they tell you "Okmulgee." Is that Oklahoma-nese or what? Turns out Okmulgee WAS big...it had Dairy Queen AND Taco Bell. Score.
Tofu or not tofu
3 weeks ago