Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Day in Seattle

*Note: If you haven't, please read the comments for the post below "Vote is what they're calling it these days." You won't be sorry.

I had a whirlwind long weekend in Seattle for Memorial Day to visit Jesse and it was loads of fun. For those who haven't been in a long distance relationship (heretofore called "LDR"), I'm here to say that it is a learning experience. We have discovered a new appreciation of each other and are discovering things about ourselves as individuals and as a couple. It's not easy, but it has been good in some unexpected ways.

One thing you experience in an LDR is how positively wierd the other person looks after having not seen them in awhile. When I arrived in Seattle, Jesse was waiting for me at the top of the escalator to baggage claim (aw...) and we just stared at each other. He looked different. But the same. But different.

After about an hour, we had recovered and felt fairly normal again.

Going on a small hike and overlooking the river

We took Ginger to the park with us and she was quite happy. Can you tell?

Happy Ginger

We went to the Northwest Folklife Festival, an annual event in Seattle, where various bands perform (Irish Fiddle and West African percussion, to name a couple) and you can take dance classes of all types. There was also a TON of food--and I learned that a funnel cake is also called an "elephant ear"...which makes it far less appetizing in my opinion. Jesse and I met up with Chrissy and a couple of her friends for the festivities.

Chrissy & me

A reggae band performs

Attempt #1 to capture the Space Needle in my hands

Attempt #2

Attempt #3

Holly, Chrissy, Me, Jesse, and Pat

The Fountain--the center of the festivities

A good weekend--so good that we have already got Jesse on a plane to Texas on June 19th!


Senegal Daily said...

Yay! You finally got a picture of you (successfully) holding the Space Needle!

Looks like a great weekend...even if you both looked weird to each other ;)

Anonymous said...

Again, I ask, what is April 2010? I'm persistent.

Abby said...

Yay for LDR visits. :-)

mrs. darling said...

Seattle looks so lovely! Also, totally been there with the LDR visit and I was all, "Huh, I don't remember you looking this...WEIRD."