YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO! The next Jason Mraz/Jack Johnson is on his way!! Kris Allen won American Idol and sent me reeling into ecstasy. Okay, that's probably a bit overly dramatic but I was super excited. When he reprised "Ain't No Sunshine" on the piano Tuesday night, I may or may not have drooled on Sara's couch.
Speaking of Sara, good story. Sara had never watched American Idol (or not this season, at least) until I moved to Denton and forced her to watch with me. She immediately started swooning for Kris, and confessed to me that on Tuesday night after the show, she sneaked into her bathroom so that I wouldn't know and VOTED. Ha ha ha. I can just imagine her dialing away, getting a busy signal because Kris' line was busy due to all the votes coming his way, and as the minutes pass, she's wondering if I'm wondering what she's doing in the bathroom so long..."voting"...sure, Sara.
In unrelated-to-Idol news, I will be in Seattle in a mere 24 hours! And I am blissfully happy to report that the weekend forecast promises a high of 70 degrees and sunny through Monday! Since people realized the swine flu is a flu, and not the death trap they initially feared, I will not have to commandeer the plane after all. Rest assured, I will be in seat 19C and not the cockpit.
Tofu or not tofu
3 weeks ago
You got it a little backwards...I voted when YOU were in the bathroom. Which leads to the question, "what were YOU doing in there for so long?"
Great. That is just great.
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