Monday, May 11, 2009

Moms and such

May 10, 2009 was my 12th Mother's Day since Mama died. 12 years. That seems plain crazy.

It's still sad.

In those 12 years, I've made a special effort to celebrate Grandma on Mother's Day because let's face it, she was one fantastic mother...and mother's mother...and mother-in-law.

May 10, 2009 was my 1st Mother's Day since Grandma died.

I want to call her everyday. My breath catches in a little gasp of pain when I realize I can't. That her voice, touch, and smell are now just memories.

Without my own Mama and Aama to celebrate, I still wanted to do something. So I sent a little treat to my aunt Cynthia, who has quasi-adopted me in the past 8 months since Daddy died, and to Jesse's mom Maggie, who also quasi-adopted me while I fell in love with her son.

Life moves, and I'd better move with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life can plain hurt. I don't say that to sound unsympathetic or cold. I just know, from personal experience, life hurts. Sometimes it is better and sometimes it is worse.