Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Brownwood = Sleep 'n' Eat

Literally all I do when I go to Great Aunt Gayle & Uncle Lynn's place is sleep and eat. Don't believe me? Here was my schedule on Saturday:

10:15 am-wake up
10:30 am-breakfast (served on a silver platter)
11:00 am-chat in the living room, sprawled on the couch
12:00 pm-watch the 3 pooches play outside and talk with Lynn on the porch
1:00 pm-fall asleep on the couch
4:00 pm-wake up from 3 hour nap
4:10 pm-eat "chocolate layered thing" Gayle made for the weekend
5:00 pm-offer to help Gayle with dinner, set the table (the extent of my activity)
5:05 pm-watch Lynn grill ribeye steaks
5:30 pm-eat my weight in steak 'n' taters
6:15 pm-lounge on the couch
7:00 pm-watch the pooches play outside
7:30 pm-lounge on the couch
10:30 pm-go to bed

Too bad that's not everyday life!
Gayle & me

Lynn grilling the steaks

Beautiful Bella

Beautiful Bella again

Gayle & Lynn's mini schnauzer, Frankie...in a yoga pose

Lynn spoils the dogs--looks like Bella is beating the boys!


Senegal Daily said...

Mmmm... sounds lovely

Love, Me said...

ahhhh, my baby girl is so cute. looks like she had a great time with you guys.

Love, Me said...

ah, my girl looks so cute! i'm glad she had a good time with you.