Sunday, December 28, 2008

Snowed In!

Seattle had a snowy December. With the most snow since 1996, we accumulated enough to sled, build snowmen, and fall on our rear ends. NSCC closed several days, as did the University of Washington (who hadn't closed for inclement weather since a 1/2 day in 2003 but closed for 3 days this year). Here are some highlights:

Jesse & me-oh wait, you probably knew that by now

Jesse scraping my back windshield so we could try to drive to a coffee shop and recover from our cabin fever.

Snow so pretty...and can you see my very cute boots? I bought them to be mainly rain boots, but with REI's guarantee that they would be 100% waterproof and warm, I thought they would help me survive any snow we might get. The boots were true to their word and I never got wet or cold feet.

Kerri & Kristi Carter are friends from high school. Kristi actually lives in Seattle, but I didn't know it until Kerri came to visit a couple of weeks ago and we got together. It was great to see them again, reminisce (I was exposed to Alanis by Kerri's friend, Sarah), and catch up.

Jesse & Kristi's husband, Mack, kept each other entertained while the girls chatted.

This was the second time within a week the snow fell. So we got out for a walk...we lasted approximately 20 minutes before deciding we were crazy.

"The Look" I gave Jesse when he threatened me with a snowball.

Jesse threatening me with the snowball. Okay, he had actually threatened and thrown it before this picture, but this was me having him re-enact the snowball-throwing for the blog.

The hill that is Jesse's street. We went sledding with the neighbors on plastic mats and inner tubes.

Ginger & me on our walk. Ginger seemed to really likes the snow, despite the face she's making in this picture.

So-cute Ginger.

The third separate instance of snowfall within a week. Unheard of. Here's the outside of my place, so now you've seen inside and out. Leah & I live on the second floor.

My street, all snow-covered.

Fremont Avenue, the street around the corner from mine. This particular street is beautiful no matter the season.

I spent Christmas with Jesse, Joe & Maggie. It was really fun to spend the holiday with them...Maggie made a Moroccan stew for Christmas dinner, which was AH-mazing. Of course, we also partook of the classic "A Christmas Story."


Anonymous said...

You outlasted me! I would only make it outside in the cold about 5 minutes. Yeah...I tried that when I lived in Connecticut. Those folks had a lot of fun laughing at the Texas girl in the winter. When I left, they laughed and I told them to go ahead and laugh---because when I was outside on the beach in my bikini in April I'd surely be thinking of them in their parkas!!! Karina

Senegal Daily said...

It looks so beautiful and fun, yet SO cold!!

I love your boots - très cute. Looks like y'all have had some (cold) fun and a good Christmas. Got a recipe for that stew?

Love, K

Nicole said...

Aw, I love the photos! I hope y'all had a very Merry Christmas!

Tim & Kate Horton said...

Hey Pegs! Looks like you all are having a blast. Love you. Praying for you all. Kate

Anonymous said...

You're having way too much fun! You're braver than I...I'd have been snuggled up in front of a fireplace or oven or something. You and Jesse look very happy! I'm happy for you both! Miss you!

Swiftyjess said...

I am loving this post with all of the Seattle snow photos. Mine are less exciting. :-)