Monday, December 08, 2008

Bright Spots

This is my 200th post. I am celebrating by noting the Bright Spots of 2008. While it may seem that this year has been one bummer after another (seems that way often to me, at least), I will admit there have been some smile times.
4. North Seattle Community College
Where I began work today as a temporary advisor through June 2009. Sara, my former supervisor at the UW last year, connected me to the Associate Dean of Advising at NSCC and we hit it off. Yay for a place that fits my goals.
3. Apartment Find
After searching high and low, I found a steal-of-a-deal apartment in Funky Fremont. While I miss Val terribly, it's been a great place to live. I couldn't believe of all people, an academic advisor at the UW turned out to have the perfect place for me.
Living Room


My room

My Room pt. 2
For all who wondered where all my Africa stuff might be, here 'tis.

2. Sophie & Ginger-the two pups in my life

Sophie-my roommate's dog who I adore. She's totally awkward and gangly, and it's totally loveable. Her bone is always with her (note: bone to the left).

Ginger--Jesse's parents' dog who cuddles me like nobody's business. She's very smart, does all kinds of tricks.

1. Jesse

In 8 months, he has helped me cope with an inordinate amount of sorrow. He didn't let 3000 miles scare him when I "moved" to Denton. He jumped on a plane to Texas to be with me as Daddy died. He is jumping on another plane to go to Aama's memorial service with me. (Did I mention he doesn't like planes/flying? So this is truly a sacrifice.) I spent Thanksgiving at his family's house and will spend Christmas there as well. He loves me with actions as well as words.

Posting this at the risk of looking like a hokey holiday card, Jesse and me with Ginger
(And Dallas kicking Seattle's tail at football in the background)

Jesse's favorite

My favorite


Senegal Daily said...

1. Great post.

2. It's so nice to see where you live!

3. I clicked on them to see close up. Is that Assane in the photo frame?

4. I'm glad you have dogs in your life again.

5. Cute pictures of you and Jesse!

6. Your hair is so long! I like it. the bangs look good.

Liz said...

I am glad to see you got a job you enjoy! We've been praying for you. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Jesse looks like a very FUN person. I am glad you have him. Karina

Anonymous said...

Love you, good to hear you found some happiness. Elsie and Johnny are happy for you. See you in January.

Abby said...

Yay for sweet, happy posts.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the temp. job! Awesome

Anonymous said...

I think being honest about the hard stuff but still realizing the good stuff is a healthy balance. Jesse seems fantastic, I'm glad you have him. Thanks for the post!

Swiftyjess said...

You look happy and Jesse looks like he makes you laugh!
Sydney, despite being highly allergic, LOVES dogs. Perhaps we can get together soon so she can meet them and we can catch up.