Looks like people are still checking this thing. Thanks, y'all.
I talked with my advisor a few times and we decided I should be reinstated in my doc program for the summer. So we got paperwork expedited and here I am. Registered for Human Learning in Educational Practice, College Student Development, and Culture, Gatekeeping & Learning Morale in Educational Settings. I couldn't be more stoked. I've heard good things about all the profs. One is the Director of Student Services for the College of Ed, one is a genius from somewhere crazy cool, and the other is a visiting prof from UCLA. I have my work cut out for me.
I'm continuing on the job hunt. Things are really encouraging in this area, as I keep getting interviews and encouragement from those I interview with. The last close second I got has actually offered to serve as a reference for me! I am confident the right position will come along at the right time.
While I was gone in May getting readjusted to 95 degree temps, Seattle got colder. I really think it did. It's mid-JUNE and I wore 4 layers the other day. They're saying it's 10-15 degrees colder than normal. We're talking mid-upper 40s in the morning and "heats up" to about 52. In mid-JUNE. Some Seattlites have warned me that every few years there really is no summer. Well, I figure that would just make being in class instead of outside easier. The glass is half-full nowadays, so I'm choosing the silver lining.
Jesse & I went salsa dancing the other night. He takes classes and is quite good, actually. Then there's me. He's been trying to teach me stuff, and I'm actually a fairly quick learner. Yet, there's still a large chasm between our skill levels. So when he dragged me to the CENTER of the floor for the FIRST dance the other night, I thought, "I'm going to pass out right here in front of all these people. It would be embarrassing to suck at the dancing part, but no, I'm going to create a new level of embarrassing by simply going unconscious." I felt every eye on me as I followed him out there...everyone waiting, anticipating, the greatest laugh of their lives (okay, maybe the week). And to my great shock, I didn't pass out. I didn't fall or trip. We actually had a nearly flawless dance. I like surprising myself (and probably Jesse, too).
I changed my cell from Verizon to AT&T. This is exciting because approximately 95% of the people I know who are in the States use AT&T...so I'll save oodles of minutes. Yay!
You know, living in Seattle, I have to use a dayplanner to keep everything straight and show up where I'm supposed to be. I've always been the person who buys the planner, usually writes stuff in it, and then don't look at it to see where I should be or what I should be doing. The writing it in there seems to make it stick in my brain so I need to actually use the planner. However, in Seattle, my schedule is so wacky and inconsistent that I actually use it. And have a whole new level of accomplishment in my life.
The end of this random post.
Tofu or not tofu
3 weeks ago
This was a fabulous update. If you need a 'friendly' reference, I am your woman. I love your randomness.
glad to get the lowdown. and glad you arrived safe and sound and things are going so well so far.
keep us updated. and i look forward to seeing what's next.
Yay - she's back!
I am glda to see all those hours we spent 'dancing' paid off and you're now a salsa queen. :)
Wow!! I've been very busy the last few weeks and slacked on my blog reading....lots to catch up on, eh? I have a similiar, but not quite as good, check engine story - remind me to tell you :)
Glad that you're excited about being back in Seattle and back in your doctoral program. I look forward to hearing how it goes!
So...I guess that's why you were getting emails about Seattle housing, huh? I'm a little slow sometimes :) Thanks for keeping my friend in mind!
Way to go on the dancing - Chris and I are learning too...it's fun. Can't wait to hear more!!
Wow, Peggy, I cannot keep up with you!!!! Enjoy... Karina
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