Friday, March 04, 2011

Oops...I did it again (not the Britney Spears song)

This one is for you, Swiftyjess.

Do y'all remember that time when I got in the wrong car? Well, if you liked that story, then you'll find this one equally awkward-hysterical-and "oh Pegs".

About a week ago, I came home and it was already dark outside. I parked on the street and walked past Roommate's Boyfriend's car. Roommate & Boyfriend were in the front seat, and Boyfriend opened his door to get out. I peered at the car and walked closer. Yep, it was definitely Roommate and Boyfriend so I yelled, "HEY! IS THAT YOU GUYS?"

The guy started to get back in his car because some creepy lunatic was yelling at him.

Guess that wasn't them after all.

I walked into my apartment and sure enough, Roommate & Boyfriend were indeed not in the car...they were eating Tillamook ice cream on the couch.

Oopsie daisy. Creepy lunatic, party of one.


Unknown said...

So funny! I wish I had seen that - you totally crack me up lady.

Miss you!

Have fun in the other part of Texas.


mrs. darling said...

best. story. ever.

Swiftyjess said...

Yay! Thanks for sharing!

mrs. darling said...

dr. pepper icees are found at 7-eleven gas stations. FIND ONE and be prepared for your life to be changed.