So Marcy tagged me and behold, you have a post...
1. Name one thing you do everyday.
Brush my teeth. Hallelujah.
2. Name two things you wish you could learn.
"Wish" is lame, because I'm of the school of thought that if I want to learn something, I just requires discipline!
Okay, okay...Cooking and dancing are on my to do list lately.
3. Name three things that remind you of your childhood.
Paintings of flowers. My grandma used to paint flowers on EVERYthing...refrigerator, her shoes, the TOILET (scared the crap out of me the first time)
Little girls. I often see myself in them.
Frito pies. Whatever happened to those delicious bits of heaven?
4. Name four things you love to eat but rarely do.
This is hard...I don't deprive myself of much in this department.
Senegalese food, it's a little hard to come by here.
Funnel cakes.
Kari's homemade pizza.
Those orange popsicles with the cream inside.
5. Name five things or people that make you feel good.
Friends who "get" me.
Positive people
Tofu or not tofu
3 weeks ago
Awww, I really liked this one. Especially the holding someone's hand one...I really miss that...
hey! just wanted to mentioned that sara has me hooked on your blog... so i'm just dropping in to say hi. i hate being the vague stalker reader who never says anything ...
so hello! i hope everything is well!
I'll make you a frito pie when I come to visit! AND I just had one of those orange cream deal this past weekend. I like! Can you tell I feel better now?
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