Sometimes, location means everything. You see new landscape, new God-created beauty to astound your senses and make you feel like you're actually on a completely different planet from the one before. You saw some of those pictures from the Road Trip and other Seattle posts. In addition, the buildings might appear quite different than the place from whence you was most certainly true in Africa (!) and is true once again here in Seattle.
Then, there are times when location doesn't change a dang the Department of Motor Vehicles. Oh, they may have changed the name (Department of Licensing), but the 2-hour wait, the guy who got the wrong kind of number and doesn't find out until the end of his 2-hour wait, and the girl (me) who finds out that the online info was wrong and, in fact, your WA driver's license may be granted, but you (again, me) must go to a whole 'nother place for your license plates.
Good thing I don't have a job, and was perfectly happy to be doing something besides watching the sun shine and waiting for my roommate to arrive. I successfully obtained a temporary WA driver's license (with the real one due to arrive in 10-14 days) and WA license plates, as evidenced in the photo above.
Lookin' like a local!
I admire your persistence and adaptability!!!! Karina
Big Baller - nice condo peggy!
Yeah - thanks for all the pics and the details of the road trip :) Looking forward to the inside pics!!!
Welcome to Seattle!
You might try going for a run/walk at Discovery Park if you haven't already. :-)
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