I just took a variation on the Myers-Briggs personality test, and it was the same result as when I came back from Africa. I am an ISTJ...that's introverted, sensing, thinking, judging type.
Supposedly, that means I am "superdependable" and characterized by decisiveness with a distaste for and distrust of fanciness in speech, dress, and living. Their words are simple and down-to-earth, home environments are usually neat, orderly, and traditional, rather than up-to-date and luxurious. Price and durability are just as important as comfort or appearance.
I.E. BORING! Good grief...and fairly accurate which makes it even worse.
More to come on my Thanksgiving...I haven't had a chance to upload the pictures yet...
Tofu or not tofu
3 weeks ago
That's not true. III's the same as you, we think. I am an ENFJ....the near complete opposite!
- K
10 DAYS!!
Peggy, I'm an ISTJ as well. I had it picked out just by looking at the description of the characteristics.
And we're not boring! Just....selective with our fun. ;-)
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