Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Getting out of Corpus...

So remember when I posted from the condo and asked why summer has to end? Well, unfortunately, it did end, but fortunately, good things awaited anyway!

I went to Dallas this past weekend for my weekend class I do once a month. It was really great to see the diversity in our class--I was a minority! Of course, I'm often a minority in Corpus to Hispanics, but this time the majority was was African-American women. It was fun to spend time with them and already learn from their perspectives.

After class on Saturday, I went to Fort Worth to spend some time with Jenn, another former journeyman in Senegal. Her birthday was on the 21st, so I wanted to celebrate with her. We ate at our favorite little French restaurant, La Madeleine, and walked around downtown Fort Worth--one of the best downtowns still put to great use!

Jenn and me kissing the bull in downtown Fort Worth

Then, on the way back home, I passed through Austin and got to go to the baby shower of my friend, Tara...Tara and her hostesses, Misty and Liz, were really good friends of mine back in high school. It's always fun to be around these girls again! Here are some shower pics...

Mom-to-be, Tara

Liz and another friend's baby

I've discovered that I'm actually transitioning out of the "All of my friends are getting married" phase and into the "All of my friends are having babies" phase!

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