Sunday, December 28, 2008

Snowed In!

Seattle had a snowy December. With the most snow since 1996, we accumulated enough to sled, build snowmen, and fall on our rear ends. NSCC closed several days, as did the University of Washington (who hadn't closed for inclement weather since a 1/2 day in 2003 but closed for 3 days this year). Here are some highlights:

Jesse & me-oh wait, you probably knew that by now

Jesse scraping my back windshield so we could try to drive to a coffee shop and recover from our cabin fever.

Snow so pretty...and can you see my very cute boots? I bought them to be mainly rain boots, but with REI's guarantee that they would be 100% waterproof and warm, I thought they would help me survive any snow we might get. The boots were true to their word and I never got wet or cold feet.

Kerri & Kristi Carter are friends from high school. Kristi actually lives in Seattle, but I didn't know it until Kerri came to visit a couple of weeks ago and we got together. It was great to see them again, reminisce (I was exposed to Alanis by Kerri's friend, Sarah), and catch up.

Jesse & Kristi's husband, Mack, kept each other entertained while the girls chatted.

This was the second time within a week the snow fell. So we got out for a walk...we lasted approximately 20 minutes before deciding we were crazy.

"The Look" I gave Jesse when he threatened me with a snowball.

Jesse threatening me with the snowball. Okay, he had actually threatened and thrown it before this picture, but this was me having him re-enact the snowball-throwing for the blog.

The hill that is Jesse's street. We went sledding with the neighbors on plastic mats and inner tubes.

Ginger & me on our walk. Ginger seemed to really likes the snow, despite the face she's making in this picture.

So-cute Ginger.

The third separate instance of snowfall within a week. Unheard of. Here's the outside of my place, so now you've seen inside and out. Leah & I live on the second floor.

My street, all snow-covered.

Fremont Avenue, the street around the corner from mine. This particular street is beautiful no matter the season.

I spent Christmas with Jesse, Joe & Maggie. It was really fun to spend the holiday with them...Maggie made a Moroccan stew for Christmas dinner, which was AH-mazing. Of course, we also partook of the classic "A Christmas Story."

Monday, December 08, 2008

Bright Spots

This is my 200th post. I am celebrating by noting the Bright Spots of 2008. While it may seem that this year has been one bummer after another (seems that way often to me, at least), I will admit there have been some smile times.
4. North Seattle Community College
Where I began work today as a temporary advisor through June 2009. Sara, my former supervisor at the UW last year, connected me to the Associate Dean of Advising at NSCC and we hit it off. Yay for a place that fits my goals.
3. Apartment Find
After searching high and low, I found a steal-of-a-deal apartment in Funky Fremont. While I miss Val terribly, it's been a great place to live. I couldn't believe of all people, an academic advisor at the UW turned out to have the perfect place for me.
Living Room


My room

My Room pt. 2
For all who wondered where all my Africa stuff might be, here 'tis.

2. Sophie & Ginger-the two pups in my life

Sophie-my roommate's dog who I adore. She's totally awkward and gangly, and it's totally loveable. Her bone is always with her (note: bone to the left).

Ginger--Jesse's parents' dog who cuddles me like nobody's business. She's very smart, does all kinds of tricks.

1. Jesse

In 8 months, he has helped me cope with an inordinate amount of sorrow. He didn't let 3000 miles scare him when I "moved" to Denton. He jumped on a plane to Texas to be with me as Daddy died. He is jumping on another plane to go to Aama's memorial service with me. (Did I mention he doesn't like planes/flying? So this is truly a sacrifice.) I spent Thanksgiving at his family's house and will spend Christmas there as well. He loves me with actions as well as words.

Posting this at the risk of looking like a hokey holiday card, Jesse and me with Ginger
(And Dallas kicking Seattle's tail at football in the background)

Jesse's favorite

My favorite

Friday, December 05, 2008

Life without Grandma

Grandma passed away at 5:36 am on Wednesday, December 3, 2008 in her sleep.

Grandma, fondly known as G-ma Holmes by my friend Amy or Aama by yours truly, was 87 years old and had lived with her niece Barbara and Barbara's daughter Kim since April 2008. They made her last several months as wonderful as possible, in a home filled with laughter and love.

Anyone who has followed this blog for awhile had probably figured out that Grandma and I were super close. I was her only grandchild, and we lived in the same zip code for many, many years so that's the start of a close relationship. But Grandma was special. Her casa was mi casa. Literally, in 3 separate instances of my life we shared a home.

Memories of Aama:
I called her in the middle of the night if I couldn't sleep or had exciting news, and she always answered her phone (even if she usually dropped it trying to wake up).

When I was little, I watched Mary Poppins or Bedknobs & Broomsticks or Tom Sawyer at her house every single day.

My friends and I would fingerpaint on her back porch.

I went to the kindergarten class she taught.

Feeding seagulls on the Corpus Christi beach.

Many, many talks on the phone.

Popping in to her house after work to chit chat.

Discovering she had painted her guest bathroom toilet seat with flowers when I sat down and it scared me.

Seeing her flip someone off on the road...nothing like an old lady bird finger. And completely out of character for her, but hilarious.

Her 84th birthday--I made her cupcakes, gave her daisies, took her to a CC Hooks baseball game, and got her favorite soup from Kiko's.

Going to Houston Astros games.

When I promised her if the Astros made it to the World Series, I'd watch with her...and then they did. So I did. And they lost 4 straight games. Bummer.

When she helped pay for my college so I could go to the university I wanted.

When I wanted to get Wilbert and that meant he'd have to live at her house for 2 weeks before I moved to Denton and she said no but I wore her down til she caved and then she became Wilbert's biggest fan.

Sitting at her dining room table relaying some story while she made baby quilts for unwed mothers.

The first time she told me she was part of a ladies' group called "Bodacious Babes."

When her favorite cat got mauled by some horrible dog and I tried to rescue it without being mauled myself. Grandma had a broom out and was ready to go take on this rabid beast until I stopped her.

Holidays always at Grandma's house.

Her broccoli & cheese casserole.

When she started to ramble.

Dropping in to find her listening to the Astros on the radio.

Her cats. Lots of them.

The way she decided to stop doing things when the time was right.She couldn't drive anymore, so she stopped. She couldn't live by herself anymore, so she moved. She knew what to do and did it.

A massive VHS collection with old movies like South Pacific and every Cosby Show made.

After Mama died, she had her son-in-law (Daddy) for dinner every Sunday until this year.

Her dainty hands.

Her beautiful smile. And she always wore it.

When Mama died, and she became my mama.

26 more days of 2008, and I will not mind saying goodbye to it.