So, you know how when you go to Walmart (Super or not), you usually either have a list of totally unrelated items to get or you end up walking out of the store with a set of completely unrelated items. That's what this post unrelated notes, observations, thoughts, conversations, etc. from the last several days.
At the Gym
I will never wear anything with the words "cheer," "dance," or anything else written on my rear end.
I will never work out in a matching velvet jumpsuit.
I will never like the girls who wear either of the above, especially at the gym.
The girls who wear the above are 9 times out of 10 not at the gym to work out, but to LOOK in, at the guys stretching their big muscles.
I should take one of my headphones out of my ear before asking someone if they are using the core ball on the mat next to them. I'm pretty sure I yelled at someone when I did not intend to.
I need to be more aware of my surroundings and less inside my head, lest I end up singing out loud while on the treadmill...a little "Gold Digger" came out the other day.
It's ok to cut one of my sets short if the blasted oblique machine opens up...someone is ALWAYS on it, so I've learned to make a run for it when it's free.
At Work
If you are carrying a set of 2 x 4 wood planks, please do not cut a corner closely or at 30 mph. I almost got my head knocked off by an art student doing this today.
I'll just let the kids call me ma'am. Even if I feel ancient, they are being polite...and that's good. Besides, if I call them "kids," it's only fair that they can call me "ma'am," right?
At Home
Don't leave Wilbert to frolic on the balcony alone. He gets his adrenaline moving from being so excited and can nearly clear the wall. Splattered Wilbert would not be pretty.
Sometimes being neat and organized means I can't find an extra quarter under the couch when it's needed. Perhaps I should become a little messier.
My new cell sucks. I need to go replace it. Every other word out of my mouth is, "Huh?" because the earpiece leaves something to be desired.
With Friends
I have some good ones. I think I'll keep them.
Honesty is the best policy.
After they tell you something important is coming up, call after to see how things went. It lets them know you think they're special so they don't have to guess at it.
Go to church together. Eat together. Laugh together. Pray together. Be together.
With the Opposite Sex
Hold your cards close and proceed with caution. But do proceed.
Remember that God knows you better than you know paraphrase of "His ways and thoughts are higher than ours." So, in the end, it's always okay.
They are just people trying to do the best they can too. (Although sometimes their best falls terribly short...then again, so does mine.)
Be yourself. Sometimes, "myself" seems not good enough...I'm not all put together in the right ways...I slip, I say things I don't mean, I can't think of the cute little line until after the moment has passed, I'm sarcastic, and I'm afraid to just say, "I like you." But, I still think I should be myself. Sometime, that imperfect self is going to be just perfect for someone else.
With GOD
Love Him.
Worship Him.
Thank Him.
Trust Him.
Approach Him.
Serve Him.
Share Him.
This is what I walked out of my internal Super Walmart with. Unlike Walmart, I didn't have to wait in an unbearably long line or use my debit card. But I do have to wait on a regular basis to learn such lessons and usually they do come with a price. Next time I go to Walmart, I may think of this and not mind the line so much.
Tofu or not tofu
3 weeks ago
heh---i hate walmart---karina
I love your internal WalMart...
I would also love to see you singing a little "Golddigger" in the gym unawares. :-)
Shaqueena loves you and I do too!
My thoughts after reading this post:
~dang, I really need to go to Wal-Mart
~I visited Krisen R. yesterday and she was wearing shorts with a word written on the back side...she doesn't read your blog, does she?
~I'm kind of in the mood to listen to "Gold Digger" right now...oh, and the "Thong Song"
~I met your perfect match at Kwik Kar last week...he had his earphones in and was singing along to a rap song in a pitch that was so unmasculinely high that I was worried dogs would burst through the door and maul him
~oh, Peggy, how am I ever going to get through my weeks after you're gone?
Excellent post, Pegs. Good to have your thoughts back with us in the blogosphere.
Your Gold Digger episode reminds of this girl I knew who once sang "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir..." in a Malian airport. ;)
(I'm copying Sara)
My thoughts...
- the sweatpants I am currently wearing say "Abercrombie" along the buttocks. I'm slightly ashamed, but not enough to take them off as they are the most freaking comfortable pants on the earth.
- I loved #2 under opposite sex. Very wise and true.
- I prefer Target over Wal-Mart.
1 billion to 1.
- I'm glad I bought daisies at Wal-Mart yesterday.
- I wish we were real friends and not "internet" friends.
I love peggy b/c a million different reasons, but the above mentioned randomness explains a lot of them!! What art thou doing for thoust day of birth celebration!!??!?
---allie :) <><
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