I'd love to say that I have something to say. I have been trying to figure this paradox out. Last summer when I was new to Denton, my life was far less busy than it is now. But I blogged like it was going out of style. I found stories to tell about Wilbert, snakes and squirrels. People weren't even necessary to make a hilarious blog post. Now, Wilbert is still here but for the most part the snakes & squirrels have left the building. I have people in my life. Wonderful people. And no stories to tell. How did that happen? Maybe people aren't as colorful as snakes and squirrels...and of course, Wilbert. Well, I refuse, REFUSE, to believe that. So here's a tribute to my Denton-ites:
Sara: who answered my last straw email before I ditched the Village and headed for greener pastures (slight pun on Psalm 23); now my home group (HG) coach who meets with me for dinner every Monday at 6pm, location TBA. Sara is one of those people where whoever you are, you can be you.
Linda: waltzed into my fledgling new HG and became an instant friend; now my accountability/prayer partner, we have lunch on Sundays...it used to be at Panera and then suddenly, Linda is anti-Panera so we've been trying other things. no matter, Sunday lunch is still a highlight. Linda is one of those people where you go way DEEP in friendship.
Shayne: ha, Shayne makes me LAUGH and DANCE. Not everyone can do this. Lovely Shayne. We've had adventures...the disappearing keys that caused a major tiff w/the blasted roadside assistance people who couldn't figure out that the place we were at was across the street from the place they thought we were at. CROSS THE STREET. For the love. Shayne is one of those people who is just plain positive. Warning: you WILL have fun.
Jordan: ah, Jordan--my hairstylist/friend extraordinaire. I was nervous to let a friend cut my hair...you know, if it came out looking like Dudley Moore instead of Demi Moore (ref. Friends, Season 2), how would we remain friends? It's very tricky, you see. Fortunately, Jordan proved her mad skills and gave me a sweeping 'do that I adore. She is the perfect friend to read magazines and sip a Starbucks with at Barnes & Noble.
Cookie: it took me awhile to bring myself to call Colleen Cookie. I was waiting for that moment when I'd earned "nickname" status as her friend. Thanks to Cookie's personality, getting to that point doesn't take long. I love this girl. When I came back from Corpus once, I immediately went to dinner w/Jordan & Cookie and was ROLLING and CRYING from laughter. I knew Denton had become home, and it was b/c of the Cookie-meister (not to be confused w/Cookie Monster).
Kelsey: I met Kels the first time at B&N...there was a click. This gal holds no grudges, even when I've inadvertently placed her and her good friend squarely in danger of a psycho. Kelsey is one of those people you just instantly feel comfortable with.
Rikki Tai: or shall I say Regina Philange (ref. Friends, seasons 5, 8, 9, 10)? This is my Friends-quote friend. And she has a bottomless desire to serve other people. She is ALWAYS looking for ways to give, give, and give. However, her postal skills seem to be lacking b/c I still haven't received a package she "sent" about 3 weeks ago.
Kari: this girl is getting me in shape for my visit to Seattle next month! I am all about going granola, and she's going to get me there...Kari is laid-back and ever-cheerful, always wearing The North Face or Columbia. We're going to REI soon so I can stock up on GranolaWear (yes, I coined that).
Uyen: wow, was I ever glad to meet Uyen (after calling her "Lynn" for 2 days!)...Uyen is like me! She loves higher ed and college students, and is working on her PhD. I've been able to glean wisdom from this gal b/c "she has much knowledge" (ref. Gilmore Girls ref. some other show); Uyen is my bosom buddy, if I may use that outdated term.
Abby, Juliana and Kat have also made HG a fabulous experience--I'm going to have an addendum after we've had the chance to share some adventures!
Tofu or not tofu
3 weeks ago
So you're going to make this as hard as possible on me, huh? What am I going to do without our Monday night dinners? Mondays just won't be the same without you...
God knew how much I needed to know you (if even for a short time), that's why He had you call me as your last resort for a home group at The Village...
I for one am highly thankful!
I came here from Kari Masson's blog. Have fun in Seattle! I hope it doesn't rain too much for you!
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