Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy Fat Tuesday...on Thursday

So, to celebrate Mardi Gras (also known as Fat Tuesday) the Student Services office of the Information School at the University of Washington where I am currently an advising intern, hosted a shindig to give the students a fun study break. These are easily the kookiest folks I've ever had the pleasure of working with. The party consisted of the classic King Cake, lots of other foods, beads upon beads, AND making your own mask! I'm normally the least artistically-oriented person around, but I happened to get inspiration from those around me...

And my fabulous co-workers, Jenny & Marie

PS Kari, here's a link to the traditional King Cake recipe! Really, though, Marie made a delicious one for the iSchool party so you should consider stalking her on her blog to ask for her recipe.

1 comment:

Senegal Daily said...

Thanks for the link! It looks nothing like the King Cake we eat here, so I'm excited to have something new to try. Very thoughtful, Pegs. Thanks.