I've been trying to decide whether or not I should continue playing softball. I play in a recreational league (read: non-competitive-at-least-in-theory). Last season, we won the league championship.
All of the guys are great. All of the girls, myself included, played competitively in high school. But I am, by several years, the oldest of the girls. Translation: I am the furthest removed from my high school glory days. The days when people cheered because I made a sliding catch in the outfield. This was 1995-96.
Fast forward to 2011. Sliding catch? Puh-leaze. I would settle for...well, a catch. Or getting on base legitimately (read: without the assistance of errors made by the other team or them choosing to get another runner out instead of me).
So, on a team of haves, I am feeling like a have-not. And I am one of those people that is NOT satisfied just to have fun and play. If I suck, I'm not happy.
Yesterday, Dude Pitcher kept trying to cover home plate while I was catching. But IIIII wanted to cover home plate. Then we switched to Dude Pitcher 2.0 who did let me cover home plate. And what did I do? Botched 2 easy pop-ups and missed a throw coming into home. Granted, the two pop-ups were off the fence so: A) wouldn't have counted as outs anyway and B) off the fence is not actually easy and the throw to home was way off the mark and would not have resulted in an out anyway. Still, I'm my own worst critic and was annoyed with my (lackluster) performance.
Did I mention that we were making a comeback in the last inning and I made the last out with the tying run on 2nd base? Granted the other team had scored 15 runs which certainly were not all my fault but still...I HATE to be the last out when it results in a loss.
So, I'm thinking of quitting because I feel like The Weak Link. Because clearly I can't just live with these plain facts:
1. It's 2011, not 1996.
2. My team is called That's What SHE Said, not KHS Mustangs.
3. It's rec league, and I don't have a coach screaming at me to "Catch the next damn fly, Itschner!"
The Sting
1 week ago
I have to admit, a lot of this post was over my totally-un-sportsy head. Sliding catch, covering the plate, catching a fly... but I still figured it out by context :)
Keep playing. If nothing else, for those of us so un-sportsy we couldn't have even pulled it off in high school.
this whole post totally stressed me out. i am AWFUL at softball, so i understand where you are coming from...feeling like the weak link.
here's my question...are you having fun on this league?
if so, keep playing. if not, ditch 'em!
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