1. Anyone know how I can decorate for Christmas w/o spending a fortune? I'm thinking Value Village and Big Lots. Other places?
B. How can I FINALLY stop biting my nails? I've had a few good runs in the past breaking the habit, but something always kills it. But I like my nails when they are long and pretty. Plus, my broken finger looks like it is forever bent out of shape so I desperately need long, pretty nails to make up for it.
D. When should I go to Texas? I need to earn some vacation time, so I'm looking at Spring. Probably when I'm about to kill myself b/c it's March and the high is barely 50 degrees in Seattle. But the academic calendar will keep me from going during March...maybe February? Except in February it will probably still be chilly and I'll be darned if I go to Texas and it's not warm. If I go in February, I don't know if I can go again in summer because I'll be wanting to go for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Am I overthinking this?
20. I thought my last post would evoke at least one comment. So, what could I have done differently? Too long? Should I have only posted about the mid-term or the BFGE but not both? Or are you people all just too busy?
Holiday plans: Helena, Montana. Jesse hasn't seen his grandmother or dad in over six years, so of course I haven't met them. They decided to get together so I will be in Helena, Montana for Christmas.
**Note: I've never been to Montana, and my first time will be in the dead of winter. It may end up being "the dead of Pegs" if it's anything like I'm imagining. Snow up to the roof, cars dying whilst driving b/c it's too.damn.cold.
**Jesse's grandmother seems to be the cutest person ever, judging by her emails. She's asked what Christmas traditions my family has and told me to let her know what my wish list is but keep it under $10,000. Super cute, but I can already tell she's going to remind me of Aama.
The Biggest Loser: I pig out while watching it every week. You'd think the opposite.
Rhianna and Eminem apparently have a sequel to that song about domestic violence. Because one wasn't enough?
Tofu or not tofu
5 weeks ago
1. post what people say about christmas decorating on a budget. i'd be interested.
2. i paint my nails and then when i'm tempted to bite, i just peel all the polish off. the urge is usually gone by the time i'm done.
3. february is sometimes mild here. probably more mild than seattle in feb :)
4. i'm a dodo when it comes to college/grad/doctorate stuff. seriously. like, i know nothing about it. so instead I read it all and was like.. I think that's awesome? because I'm not sure. because i'm an idiot. (total true confession)
1) hobby lobby has good sales (40% off) each week. it tends to be different things, but the entire store is in rotation each month. i bought our tree there a few years ago. when their wood/metal decor is on sale is good for outdoor stuff, and ornaments as well. walmart has big boxes of ornaments pretty cheap and lights as well. i've never been to a big lots...are they any good??
B) no advice, i quit in the 4th grade. can't remember how.
D) the texas question confused me...couldn't follow it so i'm going with you are overthinking it. i would go when it's warm though. definately.
20) i didn't read the previous post...i will do that next. and comment.
also...seriously, another song about domestic violence?? because one about burning her and the house down wasn't enough?! and really, rhianna?? that's like a heart attack victim who is obese singing about how delicous big macs and lard is...moron. i can't stand her.
Peggy, I'm really happy for you. Congratulations!
1. No clue other than to take a Spartan-like minimalist approach. One mistletoe should do the trick.
B. Sorry. No help.
D. It's pretty much always sunny in Hawaii.
20. I did comment, but that doesn't count; we both felt the pain on Tuesday.
** Enjoy Montana. It's an awesome state. The cold makes you smarter.
i you even have a hobby lobby up there? if not, what do you do for all your hobby needs?!
cute decor idea: buy 4 or 5 large ornaments, string ribbon on each one and hang at varying lengths in a window or in front of a mirror.
pinecones, spray glue and roll in glitter. put in a glass bowl or tray. you have lots of pinecones up there, right?
also, i had a possibly BRILLIANT idea for nail biting...mix pickle juice or anchovie juice with clear nail polish and paint on. who wants to eat anchovie flavored nails?!
1. Montana in winter sounds awesome!!!
2. Look around outside right now for things you can use for decorations like pine cones. Also, Hobby Lobby has a huge sale after Thanksgiving. Everything is at least 50% off if not more. Also, you can probably find a fake tree on Craigslist or Freecycle. OR you could decorate a plant you have in your house.
3. Don't come in February, it's so hit and miss. March is much better.
i would like to revise my first answer to the holiday decor i went to hobby lobby to look for a tree and it was a TOTAL BUST. apparently it's in style this year for christmas trees to have FAKE PINECONES on them. it's awful. gag me.
walmart had some good options on trees but still a bit too pricey...i'm going out to shop more tomorrow for one. will report back with my findings.
1. value village, goodwill are places I try first for holiday decor. joann fabrics is good too maybe. or maybe target, but that might depend on what kind of decor you want.
That's all the help I have now.
Hope to see you soon~!
buy mavala stop for the nail biting. get it anywhere near your mouth and you won't want them in it. although it will ruin finger food for a while.
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