I am no longer a doctoral student. I left my program earlier this week.
I am completely happy with this decision. Feeling relieved and free.
Nothing has settled well with the program since I began in September. I spent last quarter trudging through my school work, wondering why I was doing it. I began this quarter, hoping something would click. It didn't.
For the past four years, I have advised college students...helping them talk through their dreams and goals, encouraging them when they wanted to give up, guiding them when they were drifting or following someone's dreams other than their own (likely their parents or corporate America's). I saw students all day, everyday and it was fantastic.
I left that to pursue a doctorate. In pursuing this degree, I lacked a goal which also meant that I lacked motivation. Wanting to be an advisor or counselor and not a professor or senior administrator means that I have no need of a doctorate.
So, I am finishing the quarter with an independent study and my assistantship. Many people are asking if I plan to move back to Texas and the answer is a definitive NO. The last thing I want to do is move again--I'm establishing a wonderful life here in Seattle.
I am looking for jobs, mostly academic counselor or admissions counselor positions at higher ed institutions in the Seattle area. I also have a job offer which would start in April that may well end up being the one I take.
For now, I am content to finish the quarter and see what else God has for me. I want to start my writing again. I want to explore cooking, dancing, French, and softball. And maybe some other things I don't even know about yet. And working at an orphanage or with the homeless where I can pour out Christ's love that He's graciously shown me to those who have only known abandonment.
God's love is BIG and I am excited about that, that much I know.
Tofu or not tofu
5 weeks ago
Good for you girl! I left my PhD program because I enjoyed teaching much more than research, which was required of music PhD's at universities. Of course, I haven't even used my teaching much, but maybe once the kids are older, who knows. I also love being a legal assistant, so I may go back to that instead.
Pegs, I'm so excited for you. I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision to make. But I know the Lord will honor your faithfulness. And so excited that you are staying in Seattle. Seems like more and more I see more and more of what's going on in me with you-like new things that I want to try-practicing my French for example.
I can't wait to hear what the Lord does next. I read something recently by a girl who had no idea what the future held-and she said something I love-"It's terrifying, and I love it!"
I'm sure this was a tough decision, but I'm so glad to hear that you've followed your heart with this one. If you've found your passion, then it's something you should be content with. And not attending school right now enables you to do so many more enjoyable, rewarding things ie: cooking and dancing.....and I LOVE the orphanage idea! You inspire me!
Love ya, Tiny
Hello...So admire that you have the courage to do what is best for you! Can't wait to read what God has in store for you next!
Ditto what the others said :) Sounds like you're being brave and obedient and it sounds like you know what you want to do and that you're excited about it! Have fun finding a new job and playing softball and cooking and dancing and loving on your homeless friends...and holding hands. I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for you!!!
SO EXCITED for you! And so thrilled for you...it took a lot of courage to step away from your program. And really loving the fact you have someone to hold your hand now...
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