For some of you, this post will get to be WAY more than you wanted to know. I will warn you when that part is coming so you may safely link to another site before cringing and shouting, "MY EYES! MY EYES!" like Phoebe did when she found out Monica and Chandler were dating.
But before that happens, a 2-day late shoutout to my girl Kari! Last year, I was totally on top of things and put together this fabulous tribute to K (see Feb. 24th 2006 entry, but you have to go there yourself b/c I haven't figured out how to make a link that clicks to it for you). This year, I managed to get a package on its way to France but didn't make it to the blog in time.
What you really need to know is that Kari and I met in November 2002 when we moved to Senegal within 24 hours of each other. Things to know about us:
1. Kari is the cook/I am the dishwasher.
2. Kari likes the "a face only a mother could love" orphanage babies while I am a snob and go for the truly beautiful ones.
3. Kari pulls off a nose ring and the IMB says nothing--truly a feat worthy of praise!/I date someone while missionaries constantly encourage it and then get chastised.
4. Kari gives herself pedicures in Africa where you get dirty after a shower in approximately 2.2 seconds/I had trouble making myself match clothes, b/c really, we were in Africa and who cared?
5. Kari, knowing I'm allergic to cats, decides that it's more important to save a little African stray cat she named Mere Bud (or rather just Bud); however, she slightly redeemed herself by naming the cat after me (Bud P. Marley--guess what the P stands for?)/I, in turn, do not kill Bud P. when I find him repeatedly having sneaked into MY room and sleeping soundly on my pillow.
6. Kari & I have lived in the same hemisphere for about 7 months of our 4.5 year friendship. Now that's a bond.
Much love, K! Sorry I'm late!
On to Shayne...February has been "The Month of Shayne"....Shayne is one of my HG girls. She was in the hospital for her heart murmur a few weeks ago, then got in a car accident and was injured, then has been in the process of joining our church and asked me to be the one who baptized her! So on Saturday, I had the honor of performing my first baptism. I am so blessed by this girl!
This is where you need to stop reading if you think I may give you TMI. About the baptism...Shayne forgot to tell me to bring a change of clothes so I'd have something to wear. So after our celebration dinner, Cookie & I made an emergency run to TJ Maxx for a t-shirt and shorts. Later, as we were in line to go up to the baptismal, I realized, "I only have the underwear I have on." For the love.
So my very first commando experience church. Yes. Now, it's not a mouse in a robe like Marcy, but it was unpleasant for me just the same. Cookie is in trouble for being too busy trying on jeans to think of undies and Shayne is in far bigger trouble for forgetting to tell me about needing them.
Tofu or not tofu
5 weeks ago